Green Street Hooligans, starring Elijah Wood (yes, Frodo), highlights the groups of fans (firms) that follow their respective soccer (football?) team. I used to be very skeptical about soccer, only becoming an occasional fan every 4 years for the world cup. But after seeing this movie, I couldn’t help but want to get sucked into this whole culture that soccer has become oversees.
In light of the bullshit circus that the NBA has become with stars whining their ways to the big markets, the threat of a lockout in the NFL thanks to Reich leader Goodell, and the asterisk and steroid filled shit show of MLB, I find the passion and ardor that fans of all teams in the Premier League (England), Serie A (Italy), La Liga (Spain), Bundesliga (Germany), and League Un (France) refreshing and inspiring. Another great part of international soccer is that clubs are allowed to send players on loans, AKA how we received David Beckham. Players don’t bitch and tweet until they get a contract in Milan or Madrid. You go and chill with Christiano Ronaldo in Madrid for 6 months, make some bank, then maybe go back to the Premier League to get torched by Carlos Tevez.
My favorite part of European soccer, without a doubt, is the UEFA Champions League. You don’t get the horse and pony show of most all-star games but instead a tournament of the best teams from all over the continent is held over the course of the regular season in an attempt to find the best team in the world’s most popular sport.
Behind the stars and logos of European soccer, the true backbone of this sport more than any other is the fan base. This movie can’t do justice to the tradition and passion, but it’s a great way to get an idea of how underappreciated soccer is in the US.
- Contributed by Mr. Brightside
- Contributed by Mr. Brightside
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