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Friday, April 1, 2011

Classic Movie Moment - How Bout Them Apples?

In honor of Red Sox Opening Day, I want to share with everyone one of my favorites Boston-movie scenes of all time.  This scene from Good Will Hunting just oozes Beantown.  You have Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, two Boston natives, talking smack at a bar with a bunch of stuck-up Hahvad kids. Matt Damon just rips the kid apaht, then gets the girls numbah.

And then comes one of the best lines in all of movie-making history:

Matt Damon: Do you like apples?
Hahvad Asshole: Yeah
Matt Damon: Well...I got her number.  How do you like them apples?


One of the best insults ever filmed in my opinion.  More people need to use it in real life.  I think I'm going to make that my goal for the weekend.  Find an appropriate situation to whip out the "how bout dem apples" expression and just bask in that moment of glory when it happens.



  1. totes dude this scene is unreal

  2. Damon's killin it

  3. solid post lovin the blog

  4. I gawt hehr numbah

  5. BiggestBroInTheDungeonApril 4, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    One of the best scenes... so Beantown right now

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